Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Need help from YOU!

Hope you can really help me! I've been working on some logo for my work under the name little norwegian letterpresser ;) And now I thought of asking you which one you like the more.
I would be very happy if you had a look, and took the time to tell me what you think.
Thank you :)


  1. no. 3 from the top :) def the best !!

  2. Nice!!!
    Jeg likte den nederste eller nr. 3 fra toppen! :)

  3. The first!!! Maybe with the 'little norwegian' in the line with the first letter?

  4. I think the 3rd from the top :)

  5. First. But.... ehm, shouldn't Norwegian be with a capital M? xxx, D.

  6. thank you all for your opinions!! I need to think a bit more about it! And yeah D. it should, but not the way I put it here ;)

    thanks again everyone :D

  7. Høres kanskje fryktelig konservativ ut nå, men nr. 2 =)

  8. hey Aina,
    To me, all are difficult to read except, like Kim Andre, nr. 2.

    But if you are really into this type setting, why not create an "image" for every letter, like the intaglio technique -you would get the relief printing that represents the letterpress process.



    Good luck!

  9. Jeg lurer på hvordan nr. 4 med re riktig vei ville sett ut. :) Ellers veldig strålende idé.

  10. thanks for even more feedback!! I do listen to you all, but I still have a favorite in nr. 3 myself! Because its more me :)

  11. Hei!
    Alle er bra, men etter min smak er den første og tredje best :)

  12. I like the fifth one down - but would line up the left-hand edge of the upside-down text with the main 'LETTERPRESSER' text? Good luck with the decision! SaltWaterSongs

  13. I've made my choice! But thanks so much for all the different views:) for me this just proves that everyone has their own subjective meaning, and it all comes down to what I think. I'm will for sure try and use you views more:)

    In a few days I will post some new design with it:)
